Tuesday 24 April 2012 • 08:45 • 0 comments

        In previous Cross Cultural class, we are lucky as we have an opportunity to learn about Racial Cultural Identity Model (RCID). RCID is a good framework for understanding culturally different clients. Do you know what is RCID? Below, we will elaborate it briefly. Hopefully, you will have a clear picture on what is RCID. Actually, there are five stages of development. They are comformity, dissonance, resistance and immersion, introspection, and integrative awareness.

  • similar to cross's pre encounter
  • imcompatibility between what one learns from teachers and peers and the realities in society.
Resistance and Immersion
  • one endorses minority - held views and rejects the dominant values of majority. Later on, it will lead to a sense of guilt and anger.
  • one discovers that hatred for dominant culture psychologically draining, feels uncomfortable with extremist views, and tries to create a balance.
Integrative Awareness
  • an individual acquires an inner sense of security. he or she can appreciate positive aspects of own culture and positive aspects of dominant and other cultures. The person may have strong commitment to social justice and strives to eliminate all forms of oppression.
        RCID Model is important in helping counselor to avoid stereotyping client and be aware of differences in their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Also, it can predict drop out, early termination and reaction to counseling process. Furthermore, it helps to acknowledge socio political influences on identity-history of discrimination, marginalization, and oppression.

        Hopefully, you will gain some new knowledge from our information. Lets appreciate other cultures as we live in a one roof.. ONE MALAYSIA!




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You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. By Ray Bradbury.