Saturday, 21 April 2012 • 09:10 • 0 comments
what is culture?
- in general, culture is things that have been practiced in every races that differentiate them. meaning, every race has different races. it can be in terms of language, food, clothes, norm, belief, lifestyles, festivals, customs and etc.
- it is a unique inheritance of norms, belief, customs that differentiate one society from another society
- characteristics behavior of society
- belief and way of life
- understand other culture
- avoid discrimination, oppression, and bias
- acceptance in terms of view
- adjusting ourselves to understand the client especially their languages, sensitive issue in culture
- easy to build rapport
- protect the welfare of client
- avoid misunderstanding, judgmental
- understand yourself
- understand our client
- make us concious
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dila |
Love The Culture In You

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You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. By Ray Bradbury.