★Multicultural Issues/ Diversity in Assessment
Tuesday 24 April 2012 • 20:22 • 0 comments

Monday 23/04/2012

  • counselors use with caution assessment techniques that were normed on populations other than that of the client
  • counselors recognize the effects of age, colour, dissability, ethinic grup and etc
using tests

  • counselors should protect the rights of client in testing. Some of the rights are:
    • informed choice
    • the possibility of using test in decision making
    • right to ask questions about the test
    • right to refuse/withdraw consent at any time 
    • etc
release the test results

  • is needed for client consent
  • results must be accompanied by accurate interpretation

multicultural career counselling
  • unique background and experiences of culturally different students
    • increasingly multicultural/multi ethnic society
    • by 2020, a majority of school children in USA will be ethnic minorities
  • problem with current model
    • values inherent in counselling often clash with or are mismatched with those of the culturally diverse students
    • culturally different studies still face many barriers in career development
  • need for change
    • career services should address the unique needs of culturally different students
    • some career information is infused in the curriculum
    • but most of the textbook are based on majority culture and most teachers do not have multicultural awareness

my point of view
from my own perspectives, I believe that some people may agree with me but some are not. for me, I think that multicultural issues that happen nowadays happened because in school we are lacking in stressing the importance of respecting other cultures.
teachers always said that we should always respect each other regardless of their race, language, skin color and so on.  however, how many teachers really practice it. teachers just following the syllabus in textbook. even so, the text book does not provide a detail information about other cultures besides  Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, and etc, however, what about India-Muslim, Jakun, Jawa, Minang and etc.. 
so, I think teacher should play important roles by giving extra information about other cultures that are not familiar with students. 

 from, Dila




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You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. By Ray Bradbury.