Tuesday, 8 May 2012 • 06:59 • 0 comments
On the last Thursday, i went for Seminar for Gender Confusion Disorder in IIUM Kuantan. To summarize, we learn disphorbia, cross-dress, transgender, genetical factor, counseling challenges in dealing with this issues and many others. I had a great interest in the talk and had much unanswered question in my mind. It is rather complicated to deal with ethics in counseling when it clashes with our ethics for religion.
Accidentally, our last cross-cultural class were been talking about the same thing. As for being a counselor, we have to help our client for coming out. that is to make decision as to them are right. Not to the counselor. What may be right to us as a counselor, might be wrong for the client. It is not our right to decide for them.
However, counselor SHOULD NOT impose value but we are allowed to expose value. This is a great dilemma for a Muslim counselor. As a Muslim counselor, we are answerable to Allah and not to any human being or organization. Our action would be question and thus we shall decide for the best of our religion.
It is better to have a different gender confusion client to counsel rather than client with the same religion of us. Having input from them, we can make them decide for the best of their religion interest. We as a counselor would not be judgmental, discriminant and biases. Moreover, every religion had their own guideline in handling gender confusion disorder among their believers.
For further information, you can read on 'Guidelines for Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients' (Division 44/ Committee on Leesbian, Gay and Bisexual Conderns, 2000)
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