Wednesday 4 April 2012 • 23:53 • 0 comments

According to Wikipedia, Appreciative Inquiry (sometimes shortened to "AI") is primarily an organizational development method which focuses on increasing what an organisation does well rather than on eliminating what it does badly.

The picture above shows the approach to Appreciative Inquiry. It is the ‘4-D’ model:

  1. Discover—people talk to one another, often via structured interviews, to discover the times when the organisation is at its best. These stories are told as richly as possible.
  2. Dream—the dream phase is often run as a large group conference where people are encouraged to envision the organisation as if the peak moments discovered in the ‘discover’ phase were the norm rather than exceptional.
  3. Design—a small team is empowered to go away and design ways of creating the organisation dreamed in the conference(s).
  4. Destiny—the final phase is to implement the changes.
This approach can be applied to various situation and settings, so does to multicultural counseling. We just ned to adjust it to our needs and surrounding.




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You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. By Ray Bradbury.