Tuesday 24 April 2012 • 09:45 • 0 comments

       Talking about cultural, I remember my memories during my working days previously. After completed my diploma, I decided to look for a job. Fortunately, my uncle offered me to work as a supervisor of cleaners for his company. So, I accepted his offers with a big hand. At that time, I need to take care of about hundred cleaners. Interestingly, most of my cleaners are Orang Asli. Everyone is unique to me in their own ways. I really enjoy working with a lot of people which are not in the same blood. For Orang Asli, they respect me too much. Even though they are more older than me, but they called me 'kakak' to show their respect. I still remember the time when one of my worker celebrated her son's birthday. A day after that, she brought me a piece of birthday cake. I really touched on what she did to me.
        One thing that I realized is that, they have a unique name that makes me remember until now. For man, they have 'Bah' at the beginning of their names while women got 'Wak' at the starting of the names. I did not know what is the significant behind all these. Moreover, I can see that they are actually hardworking. I never asked them for overtime. They lessen my burden as offers themselves to work overtime. However, they need someone to motivated them to do the work. Amazingly, some of them are really impressed me. They always got compliment from the floor managers for their good works.
        Along the journey working with them, they always met me whenever they have problems. Sometimes, they asked me to settle down their problems regarding works, family, relationship and so on. Seems like they put their trust on me. I just helped them according to my capabilities. The experience being a problem solver before makes me choose the counseling field nowadays. Thank you my former workers....




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You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. By Ray Bradbury.