Tuesday, 8 May 2012 • 19:51 • 0 comments
<Make Friend With Somalian Girl>
On 26th April, we met two Somalian girls at Edu Cafe around 8 p.m. One of them is Syikin's classmate (Aminah) and the other one is Syafiqah's roomate (Nada). We make an appointment to meet them when they have a free time. Our purpose to be friend with them are to know about their culture and make friend with them. Moreover, we can have a new experience when we know international student in this university since we not have many friend from other country.
Aminah is a HS student and majoring in Communication. She is 4th year student and 25 years old. While, Nada is 1st year student and she did not enter kulliyah yet because now she is taking EPT class. She is 19 years old and she came here with her older sister.
We ask them some question but we did not get much information because they have a limited knowledge about Somalia. Actually, they are Somalian but they live and stay in the other place. Nada stay with her family at Dubai.
Aminah said that, first time be in other country (Malysia), she did not know anything. She only know our country from the discovery in the television. She also said that people in Malaysia is nice but some of them is unfriendly. Other than that, she also mentioned about their superstitious. Based on our coversation, her told that they have some of superstitious but she did not believe on that and did not practice it.
Whereas, Nada have different opinion like she is easy to be friend with Malaysian. She said that Malysian is nice and friendly. She also mentioned about the superstitious like they cnanot sing in a toilet. Furthermore, in Somalia, they are prefer to use much spices in their foods. From her experience, she still cannot adapt Malaysian food, but there is some food that she can eat like 'Nasi Ayam'. She is very excited to go to any island in Malaysia and other beautiful place here but she cannot because her parents did not allow her to go without them.
We also look for the clothes that they wear on their wedding ceremony in the Aminah's laptop. Besides that, they also not have many races like us but they are divided like Badawi and Hadari. They also been influenced by other country which is near to them like Kuwait.
At the end, we are lucky to know each other even though they are quite shy to talk. At least, we can know little thing about them and can make friend....<3
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